
Color you PERFECT!

Lucky You, Lucky Us!

A very big event just happened. I’M PREGNANT!!!! haha just kidding.

A 2 day shoot of a commercial and yes…. Lucky Us! It was an event of one of my friends, Sid! And I couldn’t thank him enough for sharing this experience with us. Felt like after that, I can do makeup in lightning speed! I think we did like 15 heads or more I lost count at 8 and it was still early then, they just kept on coming!! just keep coming, just keep coming, just keep coming….
It was 1:30 pm and all of us are already feeling really tired and HUNGRY. Thinking that finally we can now relax and enjoy are hearty lunch (that was given to us an hour ago) we all lined up in our little space for MUA’s table. And so we began to eat.. one spoonful at a time (enjoying every bite, stretching our arms and legs a little), second spoonful (mmmmm yum), third spooooonnffff aaaahhhh NOOOOOO THE RAIIIINNN!!! Everyone got to their feet and ran to their stations to save their makeup from getting wet! Mind you it was soooo hot all-day and suddenly the rain just POURED! It went on for around 20 mins straight. Then just like that it was gone. And so was our lunch and our appetite to eat. ohhh the paaaaiiinnn.. So much for our lunch and relaxation.. After that, we were all giggling like kids about what just happened.
And soooo after the tasteless burger that we got from the canteen and some coke.. It was back to work for us! “MAAAAKKEUPPP RETOUCH!!!” shouts the guy behind the camera.

All in all.. this is one experience I will never ever forget! It was crazy but it was sooooo much fun! Felt really fulfilled afterwards. Maybe its because I love doing it that’s why even though it was really tiring, you still can maintain that smile in your face when you see them fresh and powdered up! ๐Ÿ™‚ hahaha Thank you again sooo much Sid!! and cheers to our pangkabuhayan showcase take home! ๐Ÿ™‚ actually eating it right now! i love these!

2 comments on “Lucky You, Lucky Us!

  1. Jing ๅฎ้™
    July 6, 2013

    Hahaha… you got me there! ๐Ÿ˜› Nice to see you guys teaming up — gigs like that really test you how far you can go. But then doesn’t it feel good to prove to yourself that you CAN do it? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • makeupbychaddax
      July 6, 2013

      Hahaha… :p yeah awesome experience! So happy about that gig! And so proud of it too that I actually did finished that many faces! And to top it off the company while doing it was great too! ^_^

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This entry was posted on July 6, 2013 by in Portfolio.